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Music What are your music listening habits?


The True Twilight Princess
I usually always wake up with a tune in my head, so I immediately launch Apple Music/Marvis Pro and play that tune, and then a couple other tunes on shuffle before breakfast. Then at some point during the day I like to listen to a full album, then I go back to listening to whatever strikes me at the time or just my entire library on shuffle.

What about you, Fami?
pretty constantly listening to music of some kind while im at my computer, from my library or on Apple Music. My mum's been in hospital for 6 or 7 weeks now (slightly lost count at this point) so driving to the hospital that is an hour away most days to see her, generally put an album on going there and back either from my library or something new - so i'm listening to lots of music atm which is good in some ways
All day, every day. Outside of tech/video game stuff, music is my biggest hobby. I both listen to and play music, so it's something I'm involved with alllll the time. My mood changes constantly, so I usually have things on shuffle, although I tend to listen to full albums when they come out + for the next few weeks after.
I usually listen to more "gothic" music as it gets colder outside. HIM/Ville Valo, Ghost, Cradle of Filth, Nightwish, etc. Been that way since high school.
Pretty random, sometimes have it on in the background when I'm doing something, and sometimes don't.

Pretty much never just sit down and listen to music outside of in the summer on a nice day when I'm just sitting in the garden or something.
I tend to swing pretty hard between podcasts and music. Haven't added as many new albums to my library this year as I have the past few, not sure if my taste is fossilizing or if it's just a matter of not having the energy.

I listen pretty regularly, though. Some days I'll sit and actually spin records while I work, other days I just stream.
Not much anymore at all. Maybe like once a month I'll throw something on and its usually stuff I listened to in college like 20 years ago. At my computer while I work I'll have a YouTube video on or a podcast. When I walk my dog (or just walk alone) I prefer to just think and don't like having headphones in. Its VERY rare I'll listen to something new, but typically again will usually be someone I'm already familiar with and then I'll drop off after a few days.
I listen when I feel like listening. I'll never use music as background. I can't imagine trying to, say, study, with music on the background. I wouldn't be able to concentrate! Edit: exception is driving and cooking. Don't ask me why.

Which means I don't listen to music at all if I'm particularly busy with other things. Still more than I watch TV or movies though.
I listen when I feel like listening. I'll never use music as background. I can't imagine trying to, say, study, with music on the background. I wouldn't be able to concentrate! Edit: exception is driving and cooking. Don't ask me why.

Which means I don't listen to music at all if I'm particularly busy with other things. Still more than I watch TV or movies though.
I try to dedicate time to attentive listening, but some music is...well, just well suited as background noise.
I listen to a few songs over and over until I get tired of them and then move on to something else. On flights I'll shuffle through my whole list though

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