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StarTopic US Politics |ST| The Kyrsten Sinema-tic Universe

While this is certainly true, I think it’s also just the fact that he’s a democrat and so republicans and a fair bit of the media paint him as such. Republicans will paint literally any democrat as a “far left extremist” because they know that it helps motivate both their own base and also the more centrist voters to vote against them later. We could literally elect a potato as president that does nothing but sit around and be a potato but if it ran as a democrat then it’d eventually be called a left wing extremist.
Ah yeah huh. Goofy thing: in my district there are two candidates running against each other whose campaigns paint each other as "dangerously liberal" and "far left" and "socialist" but they're both Trumper Republicans. 😂

Their positions and talking points are actually aligned but apparently in order to run as a Republican you gotta scare the voters into thinking the other candidate is a scaaaaaary liberal even if they're literally you but with a different haircut 🤣
Just need a couple more and democrats will be in control.
If they manage to pasa any meaningful legislation, 2024 is anything but served to the Democrats.

Without taking into account Republican gerrymandering and the Florida Democrats fiasco
Nobody should vote for Joe Biden, tbh.

He is a white supremacist and that's why he is enabling the genocide in Gaza.


Just so angry today.`
Seems the gloves are off with the Biden-Harris camp. That press statement towards Donald Trump was devastating x_x
Arizona Supreme Court says we should go back to 1864.

One of the weirdest parts about this is Arizona was admitted to the Union nearly 50 years later in February 1912. These chuckleheads are like, “Sure, yeah, let’s go back to before we were even a state.” Like what? Really, y’all are doing this?

Go for it, I guess. Banning abortion is unpopular with the Republican base yet the party/politicians keep chugging along because they don’t know what else to do. It was better as a talking point to galvanize voters who wanted to stand for something yet couldn’t imagine a world without it. They were a dog chasing cars then they finally caught the car and realized they never had a plan for when/if they caught it.
Republicans are catering to the extremist White Nationalists because that's where the money's at for them. They don't care for the consequences because they have a militant MAGA America base, and when the GOP says the elections were rigged, their blind follows will be up in arms for them. Nevermind the fact they're gerrymandering and supressing votes.
Two shitty opinions from the SCOTUS today:

Protest organizers in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi are on the hook for anything anyone does at a protest.

Let's Idaho law making gender affirming care a felony go into effect even while under litigation.

From what I'm hearing with Trump's request for SCOTUS to give him presidential immunity is that the likely decision is no immunity, but maximum delay.

Earliest we will hear is May 9th.
It looks like Alito supports the idea of immunity, saying that without it every future president will be encouraged to resort to force every time they lose an election.

so like

fucks sake
If Trump actually picks South Dakota governor Kristi Noem as his VP, I hope the Democrats make sure people know he picked a puppy killer.

I'm not looking forward to the campaign commercials that'll conjure but goddamn I hope they're effective
If Trump actually picks South Dakota governor Kristi Noem as his VP, I hope the Democrats make sure people know he picked a puppy killer.

What is old is new again:

I know this is supposed to be a serious thread and all, but if she gets picked I can already see the John Wick memes that'll flow
It looks like Alito supports the idea of immunity, saying that without it every future president will be encouraged to resort to force every time they lose an election.

so like

fucks sake
I predict Gorsuch will rule against immunity. He's weirdly principled in some areas, and is basically the one person on the current Court who says they're an originalist and actually means it.
You should've seen his long history. He's always been a segregationist & a Zionist.
The funny thing is when certain folks (resistance liberals) screech about how republicans wanna take your voting rights away. Which is true but a big way that’s done is by imprisoning people. So it looks more than a bit awkward that ol diamond Joe wrote the 94 crime bill and the 100 to 1 rule which lead to mass incarcerations and longer sentences for working class black and latine people
The New York Times came out and said Alito's home flew the US flag upside down between the 1/6 riots and Biden's inauguration and claims his wife put it up over a anti-Trump sign down the street.

The elections seem like a petty squabble when the current president is funding and vocalizing support for a genocide, and violently cracking down on anyone who is against this. I'm viscerally disgusted with the country I was born in, its impossible to care about Democrat vs Republicans. Both institutions have more blood on their hands on then can ever be washed away.
And yet, not voting or voting third party will make things worse.

And voting for Republicans will make things worse as they are setting things up to, at the minimum, make a oligarchy.

Most Democrats are willing to make some meaningful change.

Also, while they haven't stopped supporting Isreal, they have stopped a shipment of weapons. It might be a token effort, but it's a step.
And yet, not voting or voting third party will make things worse.

And voting for Republicans will make things worse as they are setting things up to, at the minimum, make a oligarchy.

Most Democrats are willing to make some meaningful change.

Also, while they haven't stopped supporting Isreal, they have stopped a shipment of weapons. It might be a token effort, but it's a step.
The liberal mindset: a better world isn't possible, but we will slow it getting worse by .01.

I'm sick of voting between the lesser of 2 evils. I refuse to vote for evil. Democrats gotta learn they gotta earn votes. Trump is a fascist piece of shit, and so is Biden. Its a difference of a minimum of degrees.

Also lol at thinking America isn't already an oligarchy.
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Primary meaningful changes Democrats are willing to make lately are
  • Banning TikTok because the kids are too anti-genocide
  • Sending cops to beat the shit out of kids because they're too anti-genocide
I understand that our Overton window being far to the right has skewed people's mindsets, but:

  • what party is willing to protect LGBT rights.
  • what party is willing to protect women's rights
  • what party is willing to protect worker's rights.
  • what party has some of its members calling out Isreal's bull without being antisemitic about it.
  • what party is trying to fight climate change.
*what party is trying to protect and expand voters rights.

I'll give you a hint, it's Democrats.

If I can't convince you that Democrats aren't evil, then I hope I can convince you that Republicans are much, much worse and should never be in power.
I understand that our Overton window being far to the right has skewed people's mindsets, but:

  • what party is willing to protect LGBT rights.
  • what party is willing to protect women's rights
  • what party is willing to protect worker's rights.
  • what party has some of its members calling out Isreal's bull without being antisemitic about it.
  • what party is trying to fight climate change.
*what party is trying to protect and expand voters rights.

I'll give you a hint, it's Democrats.

If I can't convince you that Democrats aren't evil, then I hope I can convince you that Republicans are much, much worse and should never be in power.

Biden Administration literally implemented policies to make it more difficult to get ADHD medication, put more limitations on telehealth for drug prescriptions, and during a budget bill passing, removed the ability for Medicare to pay for Telehealth by the end of the year, never mind telehealth is cheaper and does not cost more.

This is also not to mention Biden Administration kept all the bad parts of Trump's administration, such as the border camps, even made things worse. Democrats have also pushed for more police, which has caused numerous communities a lot of harm.

Not to mention, the bipartisan push between Republicans and Democrats to criticize Israel as antisemitism, like...


Not they're not. They aren't by any means.

EDIT: One additional note. When it comes to Queer rights and Reproduction rights (never mind disability rights), our administration has been largely lip service to the struggles and danger our communities have been facing. There's things the democrats can do without involving congress, to protect us and help people out. If they really gave a shit, they'd be pushing whatever ability to do to protect us and make sure our rights and ability to survive is protected, but they do the same song and dance every year "This is the most important election".

Remember how the democrats responded to the abortion ruling being overturned? Not even a couple minutes, starting asking for donations.


That's all they want from us.


And for attacks on Queer and trans rights? Silence and lipservice.

Not to mention, the administrations continue to ignore how disability pays literally nothing while also taking away benefits (such as the telehealth) from us.

Do NOT even with me.
Biden Administration literally implemented policies to make it more difficult to get ADHD medication, put more limitations on telehealth for drug prescriptions, and during a budget bill passing, removed the ability for Medicare to pay for Telehealth by the end of the year, never mind telehealth is cheaper and does not cost more.

This is also not to mention Biden Administration kept all the bad parts of Trump's administration, such as the border camps, even made things worse. Democrats have also pushed for more police, which has caused numerous communities a lot of harm.

Not to mention, the bipartisan push between Republicans and Democrats to criticize Israel as antisemitism, like...


Not they're not. They aren't by any means.

EDIT: One additional note. When it comes to Queer rights and Reproduction rights (never mind disability rights), our administration has been largely lip service to the struggles and danger our communities have been facing. There's things the democrats can do without involving congress, to protect us and help people out. If they really gave a shit, they'd be pushing whatever ability to do to protect us and make sure our rights and ability to survive is protected, but they do the same song and dance every year "This is the most important election".

Remember how the democrats responded to the abortion ruling being overturned? Not even a couple minutes, starting asking for donations.


That's all they want from us.


And for attacks on Queer and trans rights? Silence and lipservice.

Not to mention, the administrations continue to ignore how disability pays literally nothing while also taking away benefits (such as the telehealth) from us.

Do NOT even with me.
If I remember correctly, a lot of what you are talking about is on Congress, and the Democrats have not held a stable majority with the presidency since 2010.

And if Biden were to do anything good, Republicans would immediately shop for a judge on their side and either stop or delay it, which has happened multiple times (example student lpan forgiveness).

And if you look at any Republican controlled states or even listen to Republican politicians, you know it will get worse if they are voted in, mainly because they are trying to keep power at all costs.

It's either status quo or worse, and at least with the status quo, things could get better.
I understand that our Overton window being far to the right has skewed people's mindsets, but:

  • what party is willing to protect LGBT rights.
  • what party is willing to protect women's rights
  • what party is willing to protect worker's rights.
  • what party has some of its members calling out Isreal's bull without being antisemitic about it.
I don't think "the party" gets to take credit for the morally correct stances of a few of its members, particularly when that same party's own line is in complete opposition to those members and whom the party has repeatedly minimized whenever convenient. Funny how all your other rhetorical questions are simply "what party x" whereas this one needs a whole bunch of asterisks, because you know both Republicans and Democrats - as parties - are genocide supporters.
  • what party is trying to fight climate change.Neither.

*what party is trying to protect and expand voters rights.

Please refrain from hostility to other members. Do not attempt to drive members out of a thread just because they disagree with you. – MissingNo., meatbag, BassForever, Tangerine_Cookie, big lantern ghost, Dardan Sandiego
If I remember correctly, a lot of what you are talking about is on Congress, and the Democrats have not held a stable majority with the presidency since 2010.

And if Biden were to do anything good, Republicans would immediately shop for a judge on their side and either stop or delay it, which has happened multiple times (example student lpan forgiveness).

And if you look at any Republican controlled states or even listen to Republican politicians, you know it will get worse if they are voted in, mainly because they are trying to keep power at all costs.

It's either status quo or worse, and at least with the status quo, things could get better.

You know what, I'm gonna be frank with you. I don't wanna listen to a liberal who keeps telling me the same things over and over again when they can absolutely do more than just congress, especially when they pass bipartisian bills and changes made internally without the needing of congress to act. Never mind Pelosi's comment of needing to allow anti-abortionists in our party.

You can keep living in whatever world you want to, it won't change the reality that Democrats are shit and have harmed my communities and others that I know.

I wanna say more but I know I'd probably get in trouble, so kindly just know people like you are not welcome in discussions like this, especially because it downplays the harm that the democrats have harmed our community.

And let me be frank...

It's either status quo or worse, and at least with the status quo, things could get better.

Things don't get better, they progressively get worse. And status quo? That's a bunch of bull. The democrats have been involved with things that have actively harmed so many things. And if you keep spouting this, then explain why democrats are going full bore on Israel?

That is all I need to know about you and your beliefs if you keep defending the democrats.

Again, people like you are NOT welcome in these discussions if this is how you're going to be, especially talking to minority communities (I am a sexual and disabled minority and the biden administrations policies, inactions, or changing rules that have harmed me and my community members, have been nothing but awful, so please bugger off).

EDIT: One additional things. Congress was absolutely silent on the ACP, a program that even tele/cable companies wanted to continue. They just silently let it expire while they bipartisan pass bills to continue to help Israel harm and kill people, over and over again. Do not tell me what congress can and can't do when there's interest. The lack of ACP passing shows to me they care less about people struggling with bills and more about actively harming people, either it be the poor or Palestinians (and so on).
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It's either status quo or worse, and at least with the status quo, things could get better.
You mean the status quo that keeps getting worse and leading us to the precipice of fascism? That's the status quo you think is worth protecting?

The status quo is that the democratic party is, right now, aiding in the extermination of the entire Palestinian population while training, arming, and funding fascist jackboots domestically to maim and kill protestors speaking out against Israel and the US' genocide of Palestinians.

There isn't a "good" party in the US. We are ruled by a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and though some of of the ruling class may be more affable or good-natured than others, they are all ultimately interested in maintaining this blood-soaked status quo.

You should be more opposed to that status quo.
Well, they haven't so far.

Bringing that up, it's kinda wild that one of the biggest things that Democrats could've passed numerous times was codifying reproduction rights and they just chose not to (they had over 40-something years to do so), and yet you have liberals like Semi Lazy Gamer just telling us status quo is better and things will get better, when this is not even remotely correct.
Bloody hell you guys need to get rid of the Electoral College and First Past The Post voting.

Unfortunately, support for Israel in the US is very much bipartisan (just look at the backlash he got for holding back the precision missiles), and Biden is unfortunately a staunch Zionist who is stuck in a decades-old mindset when it comes to Israel, but the fact is that most of his party aren't happy with the situation in Gaza either, and reporting indicates the state department have legitimately been working on negotiations for a ceasefire deal (unfortunately it seems like Bibi is actively avoiding accepting any kind of deal even if Hamas accepts it because he wants to stay in power for as long as possible). I don't think Biden actually wants a genocide in Palestine, he just is completely blind to what is actually happening there, because, again, he's currently incapable of getting over his current mindset regarding Israel, and too willing to take their word for it, despite the fact that Bibi is playing him, he and really doesn't realize that the IDF are a far cry from the well-oiled machine they were in decades past. But support for Palestine and reining in Israel is at an all-time high within the Democratic Party (nevermind the American public in general), which is unprecedented, so there might actually be hope there. But forums like these are generally much more to the left on the issue of Israel/Palestine than the vast majority of Americans.

Still, the Democrats have been gradually shifting more progressive over time. There are still more moderate congresspeople and senators, but the "Blue Dogs" are basically extinct for the most part. They're far from perfect, but they're moving to the left. Come 2028, and there's a good chance Biden will be replaced by someone to his left. There is actual appetite amongst the Democrats for actually killing the filibuster in the name of electoral reform and civil rights, once Manchin and Sinema are out. Biden has just appointed his 200th judge to the judiciary, making it much more liberal and diverse over the course of his term, and if we're lucky he might be able to replace one or two Supreme Court judges if he gets a second term.

Meanwhile Trump has gone full fascist with Project 2025 and the GOP as a whole have lost the damn plot. If you think Biden is bad when it comes to Israel, Trump would be a whole lot worse in every conceivable way. A second Trump presidency could potentially mean the end of democracy in the USA, if not an outright second civil war.

"The less bad option" is unfortunately the hard truth of politics, especially in systems that make it difficult for third parties to have a major presence. But options come November are between a heavily flawed party of the only adults in the room that could and will at least try to make things better, or a party of fascist lunatics who are willing to tear down democracy for their own purposes.

I understand not wanting to vote for Biden due to what is happening in Gaza, but another Trump presidency would be so much worse - not just for the USA, not just for Gaza, but for the entire world. I want Biden to win in November, not because I like everything he's doing, but because if he doesn't, the USA may never get the liberty to choose who's in charge ever again.

Bringing that up, it's kinda wild that one of the biggest things that Democrats could've passed numerous times was codifying reproduction rights and they just chose not to (they had over 40-something years to do so), and yet you have liberals like Semi Lazy Gamer just telling us status quo is better and things will get better, when this is not even remotely correct.
If you honestly believe a genuinely solid reproductive rights bill could've passed congress in the last 40 years, I have a bridge to sell you. Roe vs. Wade was a large part of why that never happened to begin with, "pro-lifers" could rail against it all they wanted and moderates could use it as an excuse to do nothing either way.

Now all bets are off, the "pro-lifers" have caught the car and have discovered how badly it has backfired on them, and now there is a lot more appetite amongst the Democrats to codify reproductive rights. Unfortunately, they need to have a majority in congress and the senate and get rid of the filibuster first, and while winning a congressional majority is going to be very likely, keeping the senate is going to be a tall order this year.
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Bloody hell you guys need to get rid of the Electoral College and First Past The Post voting.

Unfortunately, support for Israel in the US is very much bipartisan (just look at the backlash he got for holding back the precision missiles), and Biden is unfortunately a staunch Zionist who is stuck in a decades-old mindset when it comes to Israel, but the fact is that most of his party aren't happy with the situation in Gaza either, and reporting indicates the state department have legitimately been working on negotiations for a ceasefire deal (unfortunately it seems like Bibi is actively avoiding accepting any kind of deal even if Hamas accepts it because he wants to stay in power for as long as possible). I don't think Biden actually wants a genocide in Palestine, he just is completely blind to what is actually happening there, because, again, he's currently incapable of getting over his current mindset regarding Israel, and too willing to take their word for it, despite the fact that Bibi is playing him, he and really doesn't realize that the IDF are a far cry from the well-oiled machine they were in decades past. But support for Palestine and reining in Israel is at an all-time high within the Democratic Party (nevermind the American public in general), which is unprecedented, so there might actually be hope there. But forums like these are generally much more to the left on the issue of Israel/Palestine than the vast majority of Americans.

Still, the Democrats have been gradually shifting more progressive over time. There are still more moderate congresspeople and senators, but the "Blue Dogs" are basically extinct for the most part. They're far from perfect, but they're moving to the left. Come 2028, and there's a good chance Biden will be replaced by someone to his left. There is actual appetite amongst the Democrats for actually killing the filibuster in the name of electoral reform and civil rights, once Manchin and Sinema are out. Biden has just appointed his 200th judge to the judiciary, making it much more liberal and diverse over the course of his term, and if we're lucky he might be able to replace one or two Supreme Court judges if he gets a second term.

Meanwhile Trump has gone full fascist with Project 2025 and the GOP as a whole have lost the damn plot. If you think Biden is bad when it comes to Israel, Trump would be a whole lot worse in every conceivable way. A second Trump presidency could potentially mean the end of democracy in the USA, if not an outright second civil war.

"The less bad option" is unfortunately the hard truth of politics, especially in systems that make it difficult for third parties to have a major presence. But options come November are between a heavily flawed party of the only adults in the room that could and will at least try to make things better, or a party of fascist lunatics who are willing to tear down democracy for their own purposes.

I understand not wanting to vote for Biden due to what is happening in Gaza, but another Trump presidency would be so much worse - not just for the USA, not just for Gaza, but for the entire world. I want Biden to win in November, not because I like everything he's doing, but because if he doesn't, the USA may never get the liberty to choose who's in charge ever again.

If you honestly believe a genuinely solid reproductive rights bill could've passed congress in the last 40 years, I have a bridge to sell you. Roe vs. Wade was a large part of why that never happened to begin with, "pro-lifers" could rail against it all they wanted and moderates could use it as an excuse to do nothing either way.

Now all bets are off, the "pro-lifers" have caught the car and have discovered how badly it has backfired on them, and now there is a lot more appetite amongst the Democrats to codify reproductive rights. Unfortunately, they need to have a majority in congress and the senate and get rid of the filibuster first, and while winning a congressional majority is going to be very likely, keeping the senate is going to be a tall order this year.
It's nearly impossible to imagine a worse situation for Gaza than the one Biden is currently enabling.

It doesn't matter what scary What If you conjure up when you're talking about Trump when we're looking at a total, utter, unprecedented collapse within Gaza right now. Biden actively wants this and saying he's just being led by the nose by Bibi is utterly foolish. Biden is a staunch Zionist and has been his entire political career. He's still sending billions to Israel:

People like Biden who have worked in American politics for decades are part of the reason we are in this crisis.
I'm gonna make this as simple as I can, no amount of browbeating is going to make people change their mind and say "You know what, you're right, it's unreasonable for me to draw a red line at LITERALLY COMMITTING GENOCIDE. I realize now that the unwilling sacrifice of the Palestinian people is necessary for the continuation of America's 'democracy.'"

If you want Trump to lose this election, the only solution is for the Democratic party to stop funding and supporting genocide. It's that goddamned simple.
I'm gonna make this as simple as I can, no amount of browbeating is going to make people change their mind and say "You know what, you're right, it's unreasonable for me to draw a red line at LITERALLY COMMITTING GENOCIDE. I realize now that the unwilling sacrifice of the Palestinian people is necessary for the continuation of America's 'democracy.'"

If you want Trump to lose this election, the only solution is for the Democratic party to stop funding and supporting genocide. It's that goddamned simple.

Is Candescence's long, considered post really browbeating to you?
Is Candescence's long, considered post really browbeating to you?
I think it's reasonable to characterize anyone saying "yeah it's bad right now, but if Trump gets elected it will be so much worse so you have to suck it up and vote Dems" as browbeating, yeah

I'm not disputing the idea that the Democrats are the lesser of two evils, but does that mean there is no line? If you were asked to choose between two candidates, both of whom pledged to kill all your family and friends, but only of which would also yell slurs at you while they did so, would you really go "well I guess I better vote for the no-slurs candidate, they're the lesser of two evils"? Or would you refuse to take part in such a system?

This is rhetorical, and not really intended to be an analogy. I'm merely pointing out that clearly, at a certain point, "lesser of two evils" is not enough of a reason to vote for someone. For many people, the genocide in Gaza has passed that point. If it hasn't for you, that's your opinion, but it's condescending to insist everyone agree with you.
I think it's reasonable to characterize anyone saying "yeah it's bad right now, but if Trump gets elected it will be so much worse so you have to suck it up and vote Dems" as browbeating, yeah

Adding the second part of your quote to someone who said the first part would be an unfair characterization.

Is there browbeating or condescension in the post that doesn't rely on reading into it things that aren't said? Because what I see is someone sharing their perspective on the choice ahead while avoiding a judgement of those who can't bring themselves to vote like they would wish them to.
The normally conservative 5th Circuit has stripped quantified immunity of two Houston police who believed a drunk driver over a Good Samaritan who was performing a citizens arrest and blatantly lying about it afterwards.

The normally conservative 5th Circuit has stripped quantified immunity of two Houston police who believed a drunk driver over a Good Samaritan who was performing a citizens arrest and blatantly lying about it afterwards.

Would love to see qualified immunity crumble, jesus
Louisiana just made it a crime with a jail sentence to have mifepristone and misoprostol, the two drugs that induce a medical abortion, without a prescription.

A Republican back House amendment to the latest farm bill would reverse the legal grey area on hemp that has allowed national legal cannabis industry.

Not to go back to the earlier conversation, but I heard this song for the first time and I think it really speaks to the moment. Hopefully Joe Biden is listening.

There’s a video version but I guess it’s age restricted due to the fact that it uses real footage.

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