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News Reports on Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin on board of a crashed plane

As fun as it was seeing him humiliate Putin, fuck this guy, the world is better off without him. RIP to the pilot and other passengers though.
On the one hand, I'd treat every information coming from russian authorities with a boatload of salt. But on the other hand, him waking up dead always seemed like only a matter of time anyway.
The strangest thing is how after he bailed on the coup, everyone in the world knew he was a dead man walking... Except him, for some reason. What the fuck did Lukashenko say to convince him Putin wasn't going to end up doing exactly this?
A message to everyone who think he could bargain with Putin. The word of this psychopathic mass- murderer is worth nothing.
As fun as it was seeing him humiliate Putin, fuck this guy, the world is better off without him. RIP to the pilot and other passengers though.

I do feel kind of bad to feel satisfied with the news of strangers' violent deaths, but there is no doubt in my mind that none on board, yes including staff, deserve much pity.
Well that's a headline to wake up to. Grain of salt and all that, but nothing of value was lost, as the saying goes.
Even if he stopped his coup because he kind of believed some assurances that he can continue plundering Africa with Wagner if only he stops being 'politically ambitious'. How are both (!) heads of Wagner stupid enough to non-covertly fly in the same private plane? These were just violent, cruel thugs, no masterminds.
A man decided “jk lol” after starting a coup then had his private jet blown out of the sky, you say?

I don’t like celebrating the loss of human life despite most if not all on board being not good people. Just leaves me feeling hollow that people who committed countless atrocities had their lives ended with another atrocity. Kind of makes it all seem pointless.

BRB, I’m going to look at pictures of my cats to feel better.

I do feel kind of bad to feel satisfied with the news of strangers' violent deaths, but there is no doubt in my mind that none on board, yes including staff, deserve much pity.

Apparently it was prigozhin's private jet that got shot down, soooo... basically all wagner nazis.

As always : good nazis are dead nazis.
Tch. I don't care for celebrating the loss of human life, but I can't say the world will miss him much.
Right...just so everyone knows:

Prigozhin wasn't randomly hanging around enjoying his retirement. Up to this point, he openly refused to leave Russia or live in exile, and apparently was still openly opposing Putin. As everyone knows, even toothless public opposite can be dangerous to authoritarians since their rule tends to rest heavily on illusions of power and cults of personality. Prigozhin was a public figure with his own army that literally marched up to the capital. And he was openly defying Putin--obvoiusly under the threat of war since he still controlled Wager.

The man was a legitimate threat to Putin's rule, and I think he was playing a game of chicken with him. And Putin seems to have blinked. And now there's some murmurings of the Wagner forces potentially taking up arms.

Who the actual moron in all of this is going to come out in the next few days or weeks:
  • If nothing significant happens, then Prigozhin was indeed a moron who thought he had more leverage than he actually did.
  • If Wagner's forces do mobilize and start a civil war that Putin can't immediately crush, then Putin was the moron for incorrectly calling a bluff.
Of course, Prigozhin still died, so he's no genius, but I think people are just gravitating towards "Obviously he's a complete jibbering moron" because they just want to.

As a final note, it actually does make sense for the Wagner leadership to all be on the same plane, from a paranoia standpoint. If Prigozhin was worried about being sold out to Putin by his partners, then of course he's going to take them with him on a plane, as a way of making sure that they'd go down with him. Kind of a suicide pact situation.

People are really jumping to what they want to be true, I think. (Not that there isn't a good possibility of it just really being that simple. It's just that people are way too cocksure of themselves, and it's annoying.)
I hope some independent organisation is able to find the corpse and does a DNA check to really confirm that piece of dirt was on the plane.

If he's really dead, then the world got a little better today.
Wagner have had their leadership killed or dismantled, their heavy weaponry taken away by the Russian MoD, and were shipped out to Belarus and Africa to stop them being able to easily band back together and try another coup.

They're not going to be marching back into Russia anytime soon to take Moscow. Which leads one to assume that, yes, Prigozhin was a fucking idiot: he backed out after already crossing the Rubicon, then allowed his private army to get broken into pieces and sent to where they'd be the least possible threat to Putin.
Can't believe the plane crashed out of a window and fell onto a polonium dump. What are the odds?
What are the chances that he is faking it because he knows he is a dead man walking?

Who knows maybe he is planning to live in Argentina happily ever after like some of his idols.

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