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Rumour [Grubb] Dead Space 2 remake cancelled due to weak sales from Dead Space 1 Remake



[Game Mess Mornings]According to
, EA Motive was working on a 'Dead Space 2' Remake which was in concept phase but got cancelled/shelved because of the lackluster sales of the first Remake.
They are now working on Iron Man and Battlefield.

RIP the Dead Space franchise.
They say that a video game franchise dies twice. The first death is when the series gets cancelled. The second death is when the series gets rebooted and then cancelled again.

RIP again, old friend.
Man, that really sucks. The remake was so well done, it deserved so much more attention.
Weak sales? Huh? Didn't this do really well? I'm confused. What the fuck was EA expecting, 10m units?
They say that a video game franchise dies twice. The first death is when the series gets cancelled. The second death is when the series gets rebooted and then cancelled again.

RIP again, old friend.
Come now, there's always MediEvil - a series of 4 games three of which are MediEvil 1
Actually happy enough with this. The Dead Space remake was fantastic, but I wasn't left wanting more at the end. I wouldn't have been interested in remakes of the two sequels, just like I wasn't interested in the sequels the first time around.

Take all that talent and make new games.
I don't think "let's remake the series again" is the way to go especially for the games that aren't even that old, but it would've been better than Battlefield and superhero stuff.
If Disney's scalp is as big as it is with the Spider-Man games, then good luck making a profit from Iron Man
I'm so confused as to what they were expecting in sales. All I remember from soon after it came out was that it sold 2M units. I honestly wouldn't have expected much more than 3-4M lmao
Hey, let’s look at the silver lining here, folks: at least the shareholders are happy about this, right?? Why won’t anyone think of the shareholders!!! /s

I genuinely do not think there is a single publicly traded company that can be trusted to make decisions for the sake of fans. Literally every single one of them will, without fail, put their shareholders first. On that same note, if someone wanted to make a video game company for the sake of making good, interesting games, they should never ever ever EVER go public. The moment they do, they are always destined to have the end result grinding out Marvel schlock and COD-clones and free-to-play money-holes in the futile chase of neverending quarterly growth and shareholder value. You get a sudden influx of investment cash at cost of your creative soul. Capitalism and art are fundamentally incompatible.
18 months ago fans of this style of horror thought they were feasting between Calisto and the remake. It's now even more dead than it was the last time it was dead.
I mean, this sucks. I really like 1 & 2. And Marvel and Battlefield do nothing for me. But something like 2 million sales isn't going to move the needle for a company like EA. Not for a project with this kind of scope. They probably wanted their Resident Evil reboot/remake moment and that was frankly never realistic.

I can't really get mad at EA though, and say they didn't try to give the series love. The majority of folks just didn't seem to resonate, unfortunately.
Reminds me of when Square was disappointed by the sales of Tomb Raider 2013 despite selling ridiculously well. This coming from someone who really doesn't like the current trajectory of the series barring the remasters.(especially Shadow. God, Shadow was awful.)
Please refrain from using language with misogynistic undertones to describe yourself or anyone else. - ngpdrew, Zellia, big lantern ghost, meatbag, Barely Able
That's what the world needs, more Marvel content.

I'm a big fan of the modern universe of Marvel in the cinema, and at the same time I've never played Dead Space (mainly because I'm a big baby), and yet even I would have preferred them to continue remaking the sequels.
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I understand that a company has to make money to keep the lights on, but what were EA's expectations for the first remake? I don't think any game in the series ever saw more than ~3m in sales.
would you rather another inferior remake of a perfectly playable game, another battlefield game, or more marvel detritus? vote now! video games!
Bruh. Dead space remake is probably one of the best remake I’ve played.

I was hoping for a complete imaging of dead space 3.

Damn do we know it’s sells number?
I'm so confused as to what they were expecting in sales. All I remember from soon after it came out was that it sold 2M units. I honestly wouldn't have expected much more than 3-4M lmao

We have no numbers, that 2M is not correct.

We only have some tracking positions to go with.

Circana 2023: #2 in Jan/#4 in Feb, not in Top 20 for the year or 2023
UK Sales 2023: Jan #6, Not in the Top 20 for 2023

Europe January 2023: Jan #6
There were a couple of new games in the charts. EA's Dead Space remake comes in at No.6. The game arrives just over a month after The Callisto Protocol, which is a game very similar to Dead Space, and made by some of the game's original developers. The Callisto Protocol actually did better in its first two weeks than Dead Space, and that's even without digital (The Callisto Protocol publisher Krafton is not part of the digital panel).

Basically, it didn't do numbers at all, especially outside the US.
Legs were also probably atrocious(no doubt partially due to a pretty lackluster PC port).
I don't think this was the case of expectations that are out of whack but simply a product that unfortunately did not find enough buyers.
Actually happy enough with this. The Dead Space remake was fantastic, but I wasn't left wanting more at the end. I wouldn't have been interested in remakes of the two sequels, just like I wasn't interested in the sequels the first time around.

Take all that talent and make new games.
To Marvel and Battlefield, another stale series. Doesn't sound very promising, but I guess I'm in the same boat as you in that I wouldn't have been even remotely interested in remakes of the sequels, anyway.

I bought the remake the other day for 10 dollars, and the little I played looked amazing, planing to dive into it soon.
We have no numbers, that 2M is not correct.

We only have some tracking positions to go with.

Circana 2023: #2 in Jan/#4 in Feb, not in Top 20 for the year or 2023
UK Sales 2023: Jan #6, Not in the Top 20 for 2023

Europe January 2023: Jan #6

Basically, it didn't do numbers at all, especially outside the US.
Legs were also probably atrocious(no doubt partially due to a pretty lackluster PC port).
I don't think this was the case of expectations that are out of whack but simply a product that unfortunately did not find enough buyers.
Oh, that's worse than I'd heard. That's really a shame. I'd put it up there alongside some of Bluepoint's remakes in terms of how well it reminded me of the original while looking exponentially better.

I thought I saw it topping on amazon.jp when it released but now that I think about it, how many copies sold would it really require to hit that ):

I need a Skate 4 update now... It's been a minute.
We have no numbers, that 2M is not correct.

We only have some tracking positions to go with.

Circana 2023: #2 in Jan/#4 in Feb, not in Top 20 for the year or 2023
UK Sales 2023: Jan #6, Not in the Top 20 for 2023

Europe January 2023: Jan #6

Basically, it didn't do numbers at all, especially outside the US.
Legs were also probably atrocious(no doubt partially due to a pretty lackluster PC port).
I don't think this was the case of expectations that are out of whack but simply a product that unfortunately did not find enough buyers.
Quick question why was the PC port lacklustre?

I’ve heard it was decent.
Feel like EA has tried pretty hard to get people on board with this franchise and if it still didn't catch on with a remake with good reception then this makes sense to me. I'd be more annoyed if this wasn't a remake of a game that is readily available and still looks and plays pretty well, even if it is to make more Marvel games. (and ultimately just more Battlefield, but I hope not)
They say that a video game franchise dies twice. The first death is when the series gets cancelled. The second death is when the series gets rebooted and then cancelled again.

RIP again, old friend.
Does a franchise die when it gets canceled? When it gets rebooted only to be canceled again? No! A franchise dies... when it's forgotten!
Not all franchises really need to go on forever. I like Dead Space. It’s a great game. Can’t say I need endless versions of it when the PS3 games are still pretty good to me. I feel much the same about most remakes of anything that’s already HD.
bought the remake on sale but had no idea there was any expectation for a sequel. The IP can’t catch a break.
"EA's comments follow reports from Jeff Grubb, who claimed that EA Motive was working on concepts for Dead Space 2, but that it was ultimately shelved due to lackluster sales of the previous release. However, IGN understands that the Dead Space 2 remake wasn't one that EA considered."
It wasn’t cancelled because it never existed in the first place is how I read that.
They're not remaking DS2

because they're working on DS4 instead right?

EA right now:

God, this never fails to make me laugh

IGN’s Kat Bailey is saying her sources said DS2 was never on the table.

Isn't this kind of similar to the situation where Grubb came out and made some claim about Destiny that an employee emphatically denied...which later turned out to be absolutely true?
It does seem like at some point when pumping resources into the remake the notion of doing similar for the sequel would have popped up. Whether that ever amounted to actual discussions is another thing, but it would strike me as odd if it was never even brought up.

Either way, not a good look for Dead Space fans ):
I'm sure it was something like a dozen or so projects were proposed, Dead Space 2 being maybe one of them, but Motive selected different ones and that was that.
Isn't this kind of similar to the situation where Grubb came out and made some claim about Destiny that an employee emphatically denied...which later turned out to be absolutely true?
That’d be my bet.
I believe industry legend Kat Bailey.
I also believe industry legend Kat Bailey when she says her source told her DS2 wasn’t in the cards. Now, do I believe her source? Don’t know.

I have a lot of respect for both Jeff and Kat and I feel like this is a situation where the truth is probably a bit murky. Maybe Kat’s source just didn’t know about the DS2 plans. Maybe Jeff’s source said “DS2 was in the concept stage” but in reality it was “Dead Space 2 Remake?” written on a Post-It note on a whiteboard that was up there for like 5 mins before they said “nah, iron man” and threw it out. Though Jeff does say it had a project codename and everything which does sound like it maybe was a bit further along than that.

I will say this: EA has nothing to lose by lying and everything to gain from (justly or unjustly) crushing an insider’s credibility. Of course they’re going to say Grubb is lying. If the truth is they thought “DS1R didn’t sell enough so no DS2R” then the truth makes them look bad.

Bottom line: I trust Grubb. I trust Bailey. I don’t know whose source I trust more. But most of all: I absolutely do not trust EA’s corpo public statement.
Grubb's been shown multiple times to have solid sources about what's going on at EA. I'm inclined to think this is a case of Jeff saying something that is broadly true and EA latching onto one element of what he said that they can argue is technically incorrect "from a certain point of view" to try and cast the whole story into doubt

Like, Grubb said its sales were lackluster and I can totally see EA looking at some internal sales target it did meet and hanging their hat on that to justify saying the whole thing is bunk
In terms of EA cancelling stuff

I’m inclined to believe that there is some truth to it. Shame. Dead Space not as sturdy as the necromorphs it seems.

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