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StarTopic US Politics |ST| The Kyrsten Sinema-tic Universe

The Supreme Court will hear arguments in its fall 2022 session on whether state courts play any role in judging the constitutionality of election laws and legislative district maps passed by state legislatures.

The case of Moore v. Harper is brought by Republicans in the North Carolina state legislature who claim that state courts have no say on whether the voting laws they write or the district maps they adopt are unconstitutional under their state’s constitution.

If the court accepts these arguments, it would wipe out the last remaining protection available against extreme partisan gerrymandering and greatly increase the ability of state’s to adopt highly restrictive voting laws.

It could also play a role in any future attempt by presidential candidates to steal an election, as former President Donald Trump attempted in the 2020 election. Siding with the North Carolina Republicans could effectively give all electoral authority to state legislatures, including in the approval of the winner of the state’s Electoral College electors.
If that doesn’t signal game over for you then I dunno what else would. We have two years until the shit show goes into full effect so see whatever way you can to get out of US now just to avoid this shit.
Welp, looks like we're gonna have to vote harder than ever before now.
I don't think voting harder is gonna fix this, especially when Republican states will more or less make that pointless as soon as they can. The country is rapidly regressing because of these far right wing nutjobs and people are more fractured and divided than ever before since the Civil War. I'm honestly just expecting the US to either fall completely under fascism or balkanize. The latter would be preferable
I don't think voting harder is gonna fix this, especially when Republican states will more or less make that pointless as soon as they can. The country is rapidly regressing because of these far right wing nutjobs and people are more fractured and divided than ever before since the Civil War. I'm honestly just expecting the US to either fall completely under fascism or balkanize. The latter would be preferable
Voting on certain states will still help, even if SCOTUS supports the "Independent State Legislature" theory. The states legislatures of Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are up for election this November. In Arizona, blueing and with fairer maps, Dems only need to flip 2 seats in each chamber to flip the state legislature. In Pennsylvania, with a messy local GOP and fairer maps, Dems only need to flip 5 seats to flip the state senate, though 12 for the state house. Meanwhile, Michigan, with Whitmer going basically uncontested and fairer maps, Dems only need to flip 3 state house seats and 7 state senate seats. It is possible if they get the support and vote out.

If they are able to flip them, and assume they do not lose any local legislature, that would overall leave 277 electoral votes away from MAGA Republicans. The worst case scenario can still be averted, but their is not much time left.
Good news round-up on the labor movement:

Voting on certain states will still help, even if SCOTUS supports the "Independent State Legislature" theory. The states legislatures of Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are up for election this November. In Arizona, blueing and with fairer maps, Dems only need to flip 2 seats in each chamber to flip the state legislature. In Pennsylvania, with a messy local GOP and fairer maps, Dems only need to flip 5 seats to flip the state senate, though 12 for the state house. Meanwhile, Michigan, with Whitmer going basically uncontested and fairer maps, Dems only need to flip 3 state house seats and 7 state senate seats. It is possible if they get the support and vote out.

If they are able to flip them, and assume they do not lose any local legislature, that would overall leave 277 electoral votes away from MAGA Republicans. The worst case scenario can still be averted, but their is not much time left.
Then the party needs to do a damn better job at getting folk energized to vote in the midterms. I absolutely will be, albeit it probably won't mean much as I'm currently in CA, but, with the way things are trending, it's looking like a slaughter for the Democrats. They really need to hammer home how bad future SCOTUS rulings will be, the consequences of overturning Roe v Wade, as well as what they're trying to get through but need more votes for
I don't think focusing on the bad stuff Republicans will do is an effective way for Democrats to get votes in November. The general perception is increasingly becoming that the Dems won't do anything to stop them if they win anyway.
I don't think focusing on the bad stuff Republicans will do is an effective way for Democrats to get votes in November. The general perception is increasingly becoming that the Dems won't do anything to stop them if they win anyway.
Pretty much.
Then the party needs to do a damn better job at getting folk energized to vote in the midterms. I absolutely will be, albeit it probably won't mean much as I'm currently in CA, but, with the way things are trending, it's looking like a slaughter for the Democrats. They really need to hammer home how bad future SCOTUS rulings will be, the consequences of overturning Roe v Wade, as well as what they're trying to get through but need more votes for
That's up to the state parties and committees, until the national party gets involved once the primaries are over. Canvassing for November is already on going in states like Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina; Kansas Dems are already campaigning to defeat the vote that would ban abortion in the state; Demings is already running as if it was for November, so is Taddeo in FL-27th; and so on. That the national party hasn't done anything, doesn't mean state parties are doing the same. Which is in any case the most logical, Democrats are a coalition that varies from state to state, so strategies tailor made for each state is the way to go.

While the midterms will indeed be bad, it is a tad to early to say it will be a slaugther, the generic ballot is still just R+2. At this point, it is probable we see a Trump style midterm at the federal level: Democrats lose the House, but gain seats in the Senate. And well... they are doing that already, from state Dems to national/federal Dems, and from both wings of the Democratic Party. That this gets drowned out by a clip of one of Pelosi's artsy theatric moments, Biden's stutter, or people whining on how the solution always is "Go vote" doesn't mean that they aren't.
That's up to the state parties and committees, until the national party gets involved once the primaries are over. Canvassing for November is already on going in states like Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina; Kansas Dems are already campaigning to defeat the vote that would ban abortion in the state; Demings is already running as if it was for November, so is Taddeo in FL-27th; and so on. That the national party hasn't done anything, doesn't mean state parties are doing the same. Which is in any case the most logical, Democrats are a coalition that varies from state to state, so strategies tailor made for each state is the way to go.

While the midterms will indeed be bad, it is a tad to early to say it will be a slaugther, the generic ballot is still just R+2. At this point, it is probable we see a Trump style midterm at the federal level: Democrats lose the House, but gain seats in the Senate. And well... they are doing that already, from state Dems to national/federal Dems, and from both wings of the Democratic Party. That this gets drowned out by a clip of one of Pelosi's artsy theatric moments, Biden's stutter, or people whining on how the solution always is "Go vote" doesn't mean that they aren't.
This is the kind of on-paper progress that people are starting to lose faith in. Obviously if Kansas Dems can block an abortion ban that's great, but the rest? If the Dems get one more senator, why should we expect that they will suddenly do things in the senate when they refuse to do anything now with the senators they have? In the case of Taddeo that's surely actually worse for the state-- Florida is losing a state senator (which will probably be very important very soon) in exchange for another House member which the Dems already control and don't do anything with.

To your point that Dems may still be able to block Republicans in the senate when they lose big, that's not enough either. That is actually a worse version of the way things are right now, and currently more bad things are actively happening then there were under Trump with a republican house and senate. Pointing to numbers going up isn't motivating or satisfying when those numbers going up doesn't stop things from getting worse.
This is the kind of on-paper progress that people are starting to lose faith in. Obviously if Kansas Dems can block an abortion ban that's great, but the rest? If the Dems get one more senator, why should we expect that they will suddenly do things in the senate when they refuse to do anything now with the senators they have? In the case of Taddeo that's surely actually worse for the state-- Florida is losing a state senator (which will probably be very important very soon) in exchange for another House member which the Dems already control and don't do anything with.

To your point that Dems may still be able to block Republicans in the senate when they lose big, that's not enough either. That is actually a worse version of the way things are right now, and currently more bad things are actively happening then there were under Trump with a republican house and senate. Pointing to numbers going up isn't motivating or satisfying when those numbers going up doesn't stop things from getting worse.
The rest?
- Michigan Dems are supporting a vote to constitutionally protect abortion rights in MI

- California, Illinois, & New York Dems are working to protect bortion rights in their states' constitution

- Wisconsin Dems got Evers to agree to pardon anyone that gets charged on Wisconsin's current ban. Since they are far from a majority.

- Pennsylvania Dems currently have blocked GOP attempts to ban abortion, Shapiro has said he will continue to do as such as elected. Virginia Senate Dems are also currently blocking Youngkin from getting his ban through the state senate.

- Connecticut Dems just some months ago expanded abortion rights in the state. Maryland Dems did the same just some days ago. Colorado Dems are also working on doing the same at the moment.

- New Jersey Dems just recently expanded their laws and are protecting out of state women that need an abortion.

- Texas Dem leaning District Attorneys has said they will not apply the current law.

- Oregon, Washington, Montana, Florida, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Dems already did their work in the past.

- House Democrats passed a bill codifying Roe v. Wade in May, and Pelosi recently sent a "Dear Colleague" letter with more measures.

- Biden ordered DHHS to have more stock of mifepristone and other abortives; and the DoJ to be on watch for those that want to violate Interstate travel clauses.

While Dems have indeed been useless in a long range of issues, abortion rights have not been one of those. Both state and national Democrats have done all that is possible within their power to protect abortion rights and access where they can. A corporate bought coal baron from West Virginia does not change that. Which is literally the lone holdup for US Senate Dems, even if the filibuster was nuked. Since the mentioned House bill failed 49 - 51 because of Manchin's vote.

In Taddeo's case. It is important Dems also run good candidates for US House Districts. Even more, when said candidates have good chances against MAGA lunatics like Salazar. And huh? The House has done its job, from abortion rights, the Equality Act, Voting Rights, D.C. Statehood, the George Floyd Justice & Policing Act and so on. The lone holdup has been the Senate.

Huh? The reference to the 2018 midterm was purely on how Congress control may look after the midterms. And yes, because we are seeing the effect of that trifecta and Senate majority today. The same way Trump rode the coattails of Obama's economic recovery. A President's and Congress' effects are felt and cause damage for years afterwards. It has been one of the easiest ways, and the usual go-to, for a party to manipulate future elections if they know the most recent is a certain lose.

Prime example, here in PR. The 2009 - 2012 Republican* leaning governor gets the legislature to approve over $10B in loans all to be repayed entirely in 2016, when he knew he was going to lose. The following governor has to declare bankruptcy, do budget cuts, and PROMESA happens. End result? The previous governor's party retakes the Governor's mansion and get supermajorities in both chambers of our legislature. Supermajorities that almost survived as regular majorities even after a horrendous term in which the elected governor for the term had been ousted.
Glad to hear about those state governments, but it doesn't do a lot of good for the millions of people who live in red states.
Huh? The reference to the 2018 midterm was purely on how Congress control may look after the midterms. And yes, because we are seeing the effect of that trifecta and Senate majority today. The same way Trump rode the coattails of Obama's economic recovery. A President's and Congress' effects are felt and cause damage for years afterwards. It has been one of the easiest ways, and the usual go-to, for a party to manipulate future elections if they know the most recent is a certain lose.
You have to push back against this though. It's not like the things that happened under Trump were a surprise. The things that Dems blame for blocking progress right now will still exist after the midterms and will continue to get worse because the Supreme Court will keep making rulings. The current strategy has not changed from 2020 despite the fact that 2020's strategy didn't work. They can't keep playing defense over and over.
Have you been paying attention? The Democrats are playing tick tack toe. The Republicans are playing chess.

Uncle Sam left for the store to buy a pack of smokes. Thirty years ago.

The Republicans are shitting in their hands and throwing it everywhere.

The Democrats got into the liquor cabinet and are lying on the floor in a stupor.
If that doesn’t signal game over for you then I dunno what else would. We have two years until the shit show goes into full effect so see whatever way you can to get out of US now just to avoid this shit.
Once I've managed to get a better Software Engineering role to develop my skills, I'm gonna start the process to immigrate elsewhere. With the SCOTUS more or less looking to make minority rule permanent and the backwards ass plans Republicans have, it simply won't be sensible to stay here any longer
Once I've managed to get a better Software Engineering role to develop my skills, I'm gonna start the process to immigrate elsewhere. With the SCOTUS more or less looking to make minority rule permanent and the backwards ass plans Republicans have, it simply won't be sensible to stay here any longer
I’m doing my second bachelors right now since my current degree does not pertain to my current job and my company offered to pay for me to go to school. Once I get it I’ll start the process right after.
I’m doing my second bachelors right now since my current degree does not pertain to my current job and my company offered to pay for me to go to school. Once I get it I’ll start the process right after.
Makes sense, especially as countries are more favorable to more educated immigrants. Hope you can actually get through the immigration process. I know immigrating in general can't be easy
Makes sense, especially as countries are more favorable to more educated immigrants. Hope you can actually get through the immigration process. I know immigrating in general can't be easy
If you have a job offer then it should mitigate some of the the processes but that’s also difficult as well.
Republicans think JFK Jr. will come back from the dead and become Trump's VP, that the COVID vaccine has microchips in it, that Democrats drain hormones from babies for power, and that Jewish space lasers cause wildfires.

There's no reasoning with people who are batshit crazy.
Glad to hear about those state governments, but it doesn't do a lot of good for the millions of people who live in red states.

You have to push back against this though. It's not like the things that happened under Trump were a surprise. The things that Dems blame for blocking progress right now will still exist after the midterms and will continue to get worse because the Supreme Court will keep making rulings. The current strategy has not changed from 2020 despite the fact that 2020's strategy didn't work. They can't keep playing defense over and over.
Good goalpost move, however that is the answer to what was asked. What are other Dems doing aside of the Kansas ones, that is the answer. Which include national Dems, which should have an additional Biden EO in the upcoming days that should add more help, aside of mifepristone mail delivery, to those in red states. Aside of Harris meeting with Dem state legislators from red states to coordinate proper state-by-state responses.

Sadly, that's the problem of needing a coalition to govern, you are stuck in a perpetual defensive stance. Since you can't move to much in one direction or another in fear of angering part of that coalition. It is ironically why Biden was necessary to continue nudging the older more moderate part of the coalition to the left. Because unless they are incredibly charismatic and likeable (Warnock?) the Dem coalition is not ready to a support a progressive that has a fighting spirit. Since at the end, Democrats fall in love, while Republicans fall in line.
Sadly, that's the problem of needing a coalition to govern, you are stuck in a perpetual defensive stance. Since you can't move to much in one direction or another in fear of angering part of that coalition. It is ironically why Biden was necessary to continue nudging the older more moderate part of the coalition to the left. Because unless they are incredibly charismatic and likeable (Warnock?) the Dem coalition is not ready to a support a progressive that has a fighting spirit. Since at the end, Democrats fall in love, while Republicans fall in line.
Why does this problem only apply to democrats? This strategy isn't working.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of worrying about whether the power will stay on every winter and summer. I'm going to remember this when I vote in November.

After last year's power outage, Uvdale, Odessa running out of water, and the disastrous COVID response, this could be the thing that finally sinks Abbott.
Good goalpost move, however that is the answer to what was asked. What are other Dems doing aside of the Kansas ones, that is the answer. Which include national Dems, which should have an additional Biden EO in the upcoming days that should add more help, aside of mifepristone mail delivery, to those in red states. Aside of Harris meeting with Dem state legislators from red states to coordinate proper state-by-state responses.

Sadly, that's the problem of needing a coalition to govern, you are stuck in a perpetual defensive stance. Since you can't move to much in one direction or another in fear of angering part of that coalition. It is ironically why Biden was necessary to continue nudging the older more moderate part of the coalition to the left. Because unless they are incredibly charismatic and likeable (Warnock?) the Dem coalition is not ready to a support a progressive that has a fighting spirit. Since at the end, Democrats fall in love, while Republicans fall in line.
The idea that Biden was necessary to nudge moderates to the left is ludicrous. The man is a right-winger who has been nothing but hostile to even the most center-left of policies and never misses a chance to punch left at activists.

People really got too high on their own supply of calling Biden's platform the most progressive in American history. People really convinced themselves Biden isn't just a segregationist, anti-abortion, fascist piece of shit because he's not big bad orange man. The democratic party is the moderate wing of american fascism, and Biden is the head of that party.
Obama waited until the last minute to direct party loyalist to Biden hoping someone else would catch fire as Obama 2.0 to thwart bernie, but Pete or warren did not have it.

also there is no credibility for a large contingent of people outside of democrat loyalist to fall for Obama fake hope and change rhetoric again after the disappointment of 2008.

Biden is the party incarnate and who knows what is next.

likely in for a long period of rightwing rule that dismatles the machine of the united states itself to juice profit while increasing militarization.
Why does this problem only apply to democrats? This strategy isn't working.

The reason is there quoted, because a coalition that varies from state by state by obligation ends up in a defensive stance. Since attacking first or without measuring the possible reaction of the whole coalition may end up dividing it. However, this does not only apply to Democrats, but to any coalition party in a 2 party system. When you have a far right party, mixed with how the right, no matter the country, coalesce around their best option to win, you end up with such a situation. Since it then leaves the coalition party to represent everyone from the center to even progressives. That in the long run is unsustainable. Though, Dems' current predicament is partly self-inflicted. The House can be on offensive because of how members are elected, but the Senate so much. However, they wouldn't be in such a situation if Nelson in Florida had done some actually good campaigning and kept his seat in 2018. In a 51 - 49 Senate, Manchin would had been negated and you could actually pressure Sinema as she would be the point of attention. Her seat actually being one where you can primary the incumbent and still keep it blue (if Ruben Gallego is the candidate), unlike Manchin's.

The idea that Biden was necessary to nudge moderates to the left is ludicrous. The man is a right-winger who has been nothing but hostile to even the most center-left of policies and never misses a chance to punch left at activists.

People really got too high on their own supply of calling Biden's platform the most progressive in American history. People really convinced themselves Biden isn't just a segregationist, anti-abortion, fascist piece of shit because he's not big bad orange man. The democratic party is the moderate wing of american fascism, and Biden is the head of that party.
All that I'll say is that it is extremely ironic you say the quoted post is ludicrous. Since anything else would pretty noticibly be a waste of precious time.
We have some good news for once. The anti-inflation bill is a huge win, both for our economy, our stability as a country, and for the planet.

Cutting 40% of emissions is no mean feat. And if every single sensible state follows suit, we could realistically be looking at 80% reduction by 2030. That's really quite impressive.

The funding for IRS and Medicare is even better.

Hopefully, we can keep this up through 2023 and 2024. I hope these wins and Roe v. Wade allows for even more progress. We need more bills like these, and it can create a stronger and healthier economy.
Eric Garland dropped a MAJOR bombshell on Twitter today, accusing Missouri governor Mike Parson and Senate candidate Eric Schmitt of enabling a child slavery ring.

So..... Any American famis ready to just swallow despair and just check out politically? I was going over the polls at 538 this morning and neck and neck races in NV, AZ governor's, NY state and Oregon losing ground fast, Senator Walker now a possibility in GA, Stacy Abrams won't even force a run off lol. (Idk if I want to her about her again for a little bit...) You know and I know that the polls are underestimating Republican support.

I'll vote in NJ, attempt to keep the school board fre of loo s and then check the fuck out until next October, I suggest you do the same if you vote Dem. Circus of impeachments is going scheduled to open in Washington this January and does anyone remember the January 6 committee 😂?
Well, as long as the Democrats enact right-wing policies, then I'll continue voting third-party.

I don't want to vote for people that hurt others.
...so you'd rather let the greater of two evils win instead? Because, at best, you're just throwing your vote away
No, I'm building a movement outside the two-party duopoly.
You really are not. The US's FPTP and winner-take-all system of voting guarantees a two party system. At best, you could get an independent into a seat in the House, maybe even Senate, but that's rare
I can't recall a single time it has been challenged in this country's history
It has been challenged several times with the Republican Party itself being a prime example of a third-party movement attaining victory and permanence.

It's also been challenged several times after the Civil War era.
It has been challenged several times with the Republican Party itself being a prime example of a third-party movement attaining victory and permanence.

It's also been challenged several times after the Civil War era.
It's more like the party just went more extreme with the aid of dark money starting that so called "third-party movement"

Yeah but that was after an insane shake-up. In normal times, that does not happen and I wouldn't expect it anytime soon
It's more like the party just went more extreme with the aid of dark money starting that so called "third-party movement"

Yeah but that was after an insane shake-up. In normal times, that does not happen and I wouldn't expect it anytime soon
We need another insane shake-up.

If Democrats won't listen to their constituency, then I will not vote for them. Period. At least withholding votes out of a sense of boycott will maybe make them reassess. Otherwise, they'll just be emboldened in giving cover to Republican legislation and even sanctifying them with similar legislation with maybe a concession or two.

...Frankly? I don't know what the right answer to this situation is. Ever since the 1980s, they've been going downhill. I get that the Republicans are worse, but what happens with the Democrats start taking their own electorate for granted? If anything, they'll just tail the Republicans in policy-making even more...
We need another insane shake-up.

If Democrats won't listen to their constituency, then I will not vote for them. Period. At least withholding votes out of a sense of boycott will maybe make them reassess. Otherwise, they'll just be emboldened in giving cover to Republican legislation and even sanctifying them with similar legislation with maybe a concession or two.

...Frankly? I don't know what the right answer to this situation is. Ever since the 1980s, they've been going downhill. I get that the Republicans are worse, but what happens with the Democrats start taking their own electorate for granted? If anything, they'll just tail the Republicans in policy-making even more...
Except they are listening to their constituency. They're doing $20k in student loan relief and passed a climate change bill, an infrastructure bill, a chip manufacturing + STEM education bill, etc. Only reason why they haven't done more is because of the way Congress is setup. Republicans refuse to work with them on just about everything. The only thing you're doing by voting 3rd party is aiding Republicans and guaranteeing that their hold over the government gets even stronger as they make gerrymandering and voter suppression worse and worse and get more of their agenda through the SCOTUS. Like do you understand how the US government and system of voting work?

Newsflash, that's what they WERE doing but they've since shifted back closer to the center. Biden is the most to the left president we've had since LBJ. Yeah, it's not perfect nor is he left wing but, if all you want is perfect, you'll never get that. You gotta take the best of what's available instead of letting straight up fucking evil get more of a chance to win
Reminder to go and vote!

Things are actually looking really good. Don't listen to the polls, they are taking way too much into historical data, while we are living in unprecedented times.

We can do this.
I hope the dems actually are able to take victories in this midterm, even if I'm extremely doubtful about it. Hoping for you guys!

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