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Pre-Release Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (2024) — Pre-release Discussion Thread (UPDATE: launch trailer, see threadmarks)

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Oh my god I was just gonna pick it up from Gamestop after I got back from my vacation, but if I can place a pre-order and they'll hold onto it with the bonus when I get back at the end of the month...hoo boy I want me some sweet, sweet nostalgia.

I didn't think Canada was getting any pre-order bonuses; I just kept seeing the ones for US and Europe lol
Canada sucks big time so we have to cherish one of our few Ws

Oh my god I was just gonna pick it up from Gamestop after I got back from my vacation, but if I can place a pre-order and they'll hold onto it with the bonus when I get back at the end of the month...hoo boy I want me some sweet, sweet nostalgia.

I didn't think Canada was getting any pre-order bonuses; I just kept seeing the ones for US and Europe lol
Wait, which U.S. ones? I didn't think there were any
Anyone got anymore good, new screenshots? The remake looks like it's going to excel with fans and new fans alike. Nintendo did great by thier fans here with TTYD Remake
Walmart probably under ordered their original allotment. Preorders then could have exceeded both their retail and preorder stock. Nintendo doesn’t do a huge amount of extra inventory for a launch wave so if Walmart then only requested more a month out, Nintendo just doesn’t have the stock to fill it as it takes months to get more shipped. So since Walmart doesn’t have the stock to fill preorders even if they cut retail entirely, they just fully cancel preorders because they don’t have a system in place for partial cancellations
The specific line they're saying is that Nintendo will only allow it to be sold in-stores. They're also phrasing it as if they'll have plenty of stock, they're just not allowed to sell it online. It's hard to say before May 23rd, but it doesn't sound like there's real stock issues here.

If it's not enough stock, Wal-Mart is either lying (possible) or spinning a prioritization of online over brick and mortar into "Nintendo won't allow it" (maybe not a lie, but definitely misleading).
So, this is another metroidvania nerf I guess. They want you to be able to look for the Star Pieces sooner rather than later.

Also look at that boxart guys. Tell me that won't fly off the shelves. It just pops. The original boxart was pretty dull imo.
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So, this is another metroidvania nerf I guess. They want you to be able to look for the Star Pieces sooner rather than later.

Also look at that boxart guys. Tell me that won't fly off the shelves. It just pops. The original boxart was pretty dull imo.
It's moreso fixing a glitch from the original game rather than the change being made to nerf anything. The way it functions in this remake was their original intent, they haven't all of a sudden decided they want you to find the pieces earlier.
It's moreso fixing a glitch from the original game rather than the change being made to nerf anything. The way it functions in this remake was their original intent, they haven't all of a sudden decided they want you to find the pieces earlier.
This was a glitch?! I find that hard to believe.

No offense but it was clearly intended for you to use ground pound to get them in the original. This is a design change.

Glitches are unintended things. This was 100% intentional and shipped with the final game back in 2004.

You'd literally have to find them saying that it was a glitch they wanted to fix for your statement to be true. There's no way. This is a QoL/design change.

Just because it functioned that way in PM64 doesn't mean that it was a mistake, bug or glitch that they didn't put it in TTYD. It was intentional. They changed their mind now.
This was a glitch?! I find that hard to believe.

No offense but it was clearly intended for you to use ground pound to get them in the original. This is a design change.

Glitches are unintended things. This was 100% intentional and shipped with the final game back in 2004.

You'd literally have to find them saying that it was a glitch they wanted to fix for your statement to be true. There's no way. This is a QoL/design change.
It's a glitch because to get it to work in the OG game, you have to hammer beneath the floor, it doesn't work when you actually hammer the floor.
(TTYD original) Yeah, but they either took it out of the game or it was unfinished. So, It looks very much intentional. It may have been planned at one point.
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Yeah, but they either took it out of the game or it was unfinished. So, It looks very much intentional. It may have been planned at one point.
It works this way in 64. You can't actually flip the floor and get the star piece with the base hammer, it just pops the floor up.
It doesn't really change progression, just makes them a bit faster to find.

This first piece of dialogue is left completely unchanged from the original Japanese version

This first piece of dialogue is left completely unchanged from the original Japanese version
Oh... uh oh lol. Indeed.

Also, the original English is actually a better translation of that, believe it or not. Their translation is a bit too literal, but I mean you get the idea of what's going on here.

They have a rough manner of speech.
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“Has paper Mario gone WOKE? Sweet baby inc involved”

How long till that video happens?
Honestly, I give it 2 days after it releases whether it's after the official release day or if it gets leaked.
(TTYD original) Yeah, but they either took it out of the game or it was unfinished. So, It looks very much intentional. It may have been planned at one point.
It looks more like an oversight to me; given the "bouncy" floor tile behavior clearly exists, but they accidentally coded it in a way where you can't trigger it because the hammer never goes below the Z-level it's supposed to.
That's a good change actually
The point of his post is that the Japanese dialogue has not been changed but for some reason the English version was.

I mean... it's kinda like whatever but it could be some cause for concern if it ends up being all over the place.

Originally, we had thought that the Japanese script was also changed which would have made more sense.

In other words, this is not the creator's choice. These are changes at the localization level.
The point of his post is that the Japanese dialogue has not been changed but for some reason the English version was.

I mean... it's kinda like whatever but it could be some cause for concern if it ends up being all over the place.

Originally, we had thought that the Japanese script was also changed which would have made more sense.

In other words, this is not the creator's choice. These are changes at the localization level.
….except in this case the creator has to sign off on the changes.
….except in this case the creator has to sign off on the changes.
Wouldn't that be someone higher up than the Japanese scriptwriter?

It wasn't changed in the Japanese version. Therefore, it's localization level; it's at the NoA level/business level.

I mean yeah sure management said okay that it can be this way for western audiences. I mean whatever, that's not really the point.

The point more is, why does management think the anglosphere needed this change?
Doesn’t surprise me in the least it was ultimately a Western sensitivity reason for change. Even bad guys are sanitized here now. Like I said before though, no one should let a change like this literally ruin the entire experience for them. Nuance is mostly lost, though - it’s either gotta be “everything’s woke therefore ruined now” or “everything and anything that may remotely offend must be fixed now.”
I always found the original scene a bit crass for a Mario game. It’s ultimately not a big deal to me that they changed it.
I heard this is a misconception and the Japanese script was changed.
oh no, the Japanese script DID get some changes. I'm just saying that that particular piece of dialogue is still the same. I'm surprised that they kept the "is that a cute girl you have?" thing there while in English it's all gone

I'm not complaining because I actually think that scene is funnier now than it was in the original
The screenshot is real, here's a youtube link to that scene in Japanese.

Personally I don't mind the change, this was already discussed to death weeks ago. We already know they made some of Hooktail's dialogue grosser and even more feet related so it's not like they are shying away from the cruder aspects of TTYD after 20 years. I wouldn't mind if it was kept the same as before, but my take on it is basically that yes, the game has a lot of shady stuff everywhere, especially in Rogueport. But from what I remember it's pretty much all cartoon violence and scummy scammer type characters. Yeah there is a noose, you get pickpocketed, there's all the mafia stuff and other things. But a character getting sexually harassed by a group is clearly different from all those other things.
There's a reason why "cartoon violence" is a distinct term but "cartoon sexual harassment" isn't. Tom and Jerry beating the shit out of each other is very different from a real life scenario of people doing the same actions. But sexual harassment is well, still sexual harassment regardless of the form of media it's in. So personally it's kinda nice to not be reminded of sexual harassment when playing my Mario game.
I heard this is a misconception and the Japanese script was changed.
Like NamelessGB wrote, the first line is kept the same, but subsequent lines in that exchange were changed. In both the English and Japanese version, the fight is now instigated by the Goombas picking a fight with Mario instead of asking Goombella to "come play." A comparison nicked from Reddit:

I commissioned a new online avatar from a friend of mine! Swipe to see an alternate version.

I’ll bring the regular one back eventually, but this’ll work for a while ;)
It's kinda funny, I think I dig the Japanese version for keeping the same beginning line, but changing everything else. It still sells the Goombas as skeevy cat-callers, but doesn't linger on it uncomfortably or make it the cause of the conflict. You still get across the message that these guys are not great.

Even still, the change is there and not a big deal in the grand scheme. Folks are gonna forget about this the second the game is in their hand.
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I commissioned a new online avatar from a friend of mine! Swipe to see an alternate version.

I’ll bring the regular one back eventually, but this’ll work for a while ;)

That’s awesome!!!

If you don’t mind answering, is your friend still open for commissions?
Wouldn't that be someone higher up than the Japanese scriptwriter?

It wasn't changed in the Japanese version. Therefore, it's localization level; it's at the NoA level/business level.

I mean yeah sure management said okay that it can be this way for western audiences. I mean whatever, that's not really the point.

The point more is, why does management think the anglosphere needed this change?

Because NoA have been making changes like this for quite a few games at this point. Again, the Pikmin changes were completely unnecessary (beyond making some things more in line with the original JP), but they did them anyway. I don't know exactly who was being hurt by some treasures having links to traditional marriage roles.

Doesn’t surprise me in the least it was ultimately a Western sensitivity reason for change. Even bad guys are sanitized here now. Like I said before though, no one should let a change like this literally ruin the entire experience for them. Nuance is mostly lost, though - it’s either gotta be “everything’s woke therefore ruined now” or “everything and anything that may remotely offend must be fixed now.”

Well, there will probably be some kind of fan mod to re-localise the game back to how it used to be, of that I have no doubt.

No idea if any 60fps mods would be doable without breaking the game though.
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That’s awesome!!!

If you don’t mind answering, is your friend still open for commissions?
Thanks for the kind feedback! I’ll be sure to let them know.

I’m actually not sure to be honest; I can definitely mention it to them but they mostly do these for me as a longtime personal friend. They don’t actually do commissions officially, it’s mostly a case of being friends IRL for a long time.

With that said, I’ll mention it to them and see what they have to say about it! :D
Because NoA have been making changes like this for quite a few games at this point. Again, the Pikmin changes were completely unnecessary (beyond making some things more in line with the original JP), but they did them anyway. I don't know exactly who was being hurt by some treasures having links to traditional marriage roles.
I don't think anyone was "hurt" by the two treasures being named husband and wife, that's not actually what people feel about this stuff. I think it's more just that Nintendo sometimes tries to be inclusive even if it's editing text in a new release of an old game.
It might be because the majority of the English speaking countries that this version of the game was released in have had gay marriage for a while now. And because way way less people really cared about "traditional marriage roles" in 2023, partially because of that.
Call it misguided if you want but I don't think it's Nintendo trying to not hurt feelings, I think they just want to be a bit more inclusive. And ultimately it's some "censorship debate" over pink and green star rings not being called "wife" and "husband" anymore.

Also changing the text of one treasure series, which is a collection of expensive looking gems and brooches, from

"You've collected the Husband's Tears Series! Women cry with joy, men just cry at the price.”


“You've collected the Expensive Sentiments Series! Declare your love and bankruptcy all at once!"

Makes a lot of sense. The original is some outdated sexist joke that could've been from the 50s.

I don't agree with all the changes they make, but honestly this kind of thing is just not important compared to things like removing any reference to Vivian being trans in the original release of TTYD. That's censorship that actually had an impact on people. I'm really hoping they do her right in this remake.
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I am so relieved that this game’s difficulty is (seemingly) untouched. (except for maybe a slightly longer superguard window but that’s negligible)

The reason being that I actually never beat this game as a kid. I guess I just sucked? Got stuck on the final boss and surprisingly even kid me had a limit on his patience for what felt like ten damn minutes total of unskippable cutscenes every attempt.

If they had lowered the difficulty for this like they did with SMRPG I would’ve been disappointed - this is my chance to finally beat it but it wouldn’t feel like a satisfactory conclusion 20 years in the making if the variables weren’t exactly the same! Lol
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The reason being is that I actually never beat this game as a kid. I guess I just sucked? Got stuck on the final boss and surprisingly even kid me had a limit on his patience for what felt like ten damn minutes total of unskippable cutscenes every attempt.
The final boss is pretty tough, especially as a kid! I just checked out some videos of it quickly, and it's nearly 6 minutes of text just to start the fight, then the fight itself takes people about another 25 minutes (including the mid fight cutscenes). It's a difficult fight and a long one.
I'm glad the difficulty is the same too. A hard mode or something would be cool too but it's not anything necessary. At least the first game and TTYD give you a lot of options for self imposed challenges.
Thanks for the kind feedback! I’ll be sure to let them know.

I’m actually not sure to be honest; I can definitely mention it to them but they mostly do these for me as a longtime personal friend. They don’t actually do commissions officially, it’s mostly a case of being friends IRL for a long time.

With that said, I’ll mention it to them and see what they have to say about it! :D
I appreciate you making the inquiry, I was afraid to ask exactly for the reasons you stated, but I thought I would ask to be sure. It’s not a problem if your friend declines I was just curious.
The final boss is pretty tough, especially as a kid! I just checked out some videos of it quickly, and it's nearly 6 minutes of text just to start the fight, then the fight itself takes people about another 25 minutes (including the mid fight cutscenes). It's a difficult fight and a long one.
I'm glad the difficulty is the same too. A hard mode or something would be cool too but it's not anything necessary. At least the first game and TTYD give you a lot of options for self imposed challenges.
That seems about right for a typical strategy, but my wife decided to
charge Yoshi loads of times and unleash a ground pound that one-shot her lol.
My jaw dropped because I struggled so bad against the final boss as a kid and my wife was just like "ez"
I appreciate you making the inquiry, I was afraid to ask exactly for the reasons you stated, but I thought I would ask to be sure. It’s not a problem if your friend declines I was just curious.
No problem at all! They haven’t responded yet but if they’re interested, I’ll get in touch with you via DM.
For me the final boss is not too bad but Koops helps a lot.

Power Shell on Ultra level is the lowest FP move in the game that will OHKO both of the Queen’s hands.
The final boss is pretty tough, especially as a kid! I just checked out some videos of it quickly, and it's nearly 6 minutes of text just to start the fight, then the fight itself takes people about another 25 minutes (including the mid fight cutscenes). It's a difficult fight and a long one.
I'm glad the difficulty is the same too. A hard mode or something would be cool too but it's not anything necessary. At least the first game and TTYD give you a lot of options for self imposed challenges.
Thanks for the numbers and yeah that cutscene in the middle has got to be 3+ minutes. Or so I remember it feeling.

NG+ would be such a pleasant surprise but realistically I’m not getting my hopes up. I never attempted the Pit of 100 Trials in the original so it will be great to have that to tackle too. I’m assuming just based on the sheer volume that it ends up difficult by the end, but haven’t googled it.
Thanks for the numbers and yeah that cutscene in the middle has got to be 3+ minutes. Or so I remember it feeling.

NG+ would be such a pleasant surprise but realistically I’m not getting my hopes up. I never attempted the Pit of 100 Trials in the original so it will be great to have that to tackle too. I’m assuming just based on the sheer volume that it ends up difficult by the end, but haven’t googled it.
Oh yeah it's a lot of cutscenes. Looking quickly again the mid fight cutscene is actually almost 8 minutes lol. I really like that cutscene from what I remember, I think the emotional payoff is really well done, but yeah that is a lot of cutscene to watch in one attempt of a Paper Mario boss fight. Especially when trying over and over.
Yeah I agree it's best to not get our hopes up for anything too big that hasn't already been announced.

The Pit is definitely harder by the end for sure. I won't say too much so I don't spoil anything, but the end is pretty tough. You keep encountering stronger and stronger enemies as you go through and the pressure of failing is way worse since there are no checkpoints.

I don't remember what my level was when I played through it, seems like a lot of people online say around level 30.

If anyone new to the Pit of 100 Trials or the game itself wants some basic tips for it:

Also I am assuming they haven't changed anything with it.

There are no save points in the Pit, and you do have to start from floor 1 every time. Every 10 floors (except 100) is a floor with no enemies that gives you an item and an exit, as well as a chance for a shopkeeper with stuff like mushrooms and some battle items.
I recommend partially doing the Pit much earlier than end game because it's a good way to get some levels, and the items you get can be pretty useful, in particular I think floor 30 and 50 are the best. Especially 50. Again assuming it's not changed.
There's also a guy who appears sometimes that you can pay to jump ahead floors, just make sure you don't skip a 10th floor because iirc it will let you do that. You can always check what floor number you are on by reading a sign on the back wall of the room.
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